Dydo — "D-1 Coffee"

by Dirk Schwieger

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Dirk Schwieger is a Tokyo-based graphic artist and founder of publishing company der•eigen•verlag. His work appears weekly on Moresukine, his illustrated blog about life in Japan. He is also the creator of Ineinander, a thirteen-part graphic novella, and is currently working on "People Not Seen," a documentary about Icelandic people who have had encounters with elves.

Discuss with other coffee lovers. (4)

Caffeinated Goods

Canned coffee is more than a drink. It's a whole fidgety, jacked-up subculture that bonds young punks, middle-aged office workers, fatigued students and even old guys in polo shirts. Enter the world, join the addiction and shop for caffeine-inspired art that would make Balzac proud.

The Coffee Journals

"In the half-lotus position I sit, typing this out and enjoying a lucid dream in which I am being carried upon the 'shoulders' of a glinting, dew-speckled mass of Fire 'Siphon Method' coffee cans."
