Georgia — "Platinum Blend"

by David Cady

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It is: Oaky, puckery, questioning, mouth-filling, rampant, hell-bent, the kind to use the words "zeitgeist" and "schadenfreude" without flinching.

It is not: Beefy, perspicacious, noticeably gay, corked, an elderly mouth-breather on a train.

Hot Point: At 130 yen, it is ten yen more expensive than other canned coffees sold in Japanese vending machines, presumably on account of its use of "one-hundred percent high-grade beans."

Charm Point: It kind of looks like a baby can of Miller Genuine Draft.


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Caffeinated Goods

Canned coffee is more than a drink. It's a whole fidgety, jacked-up subculture that bonds young punks, middle-aged office workers, fatigued students and even old guys in polo shirts. Enter the world, join the addiction and shop for caffeine-inspired art that would make Balzac proud.

The Coffee Journals

"In the half-lotus position I sit, typing this out and enjoying a lucid dream in which I am being carried upon the 'shoulders' of a glinting, dew-speckled mass of Fire 'Siphon Method' coffee cans."
